Redefining Prayer through Jesus finished work


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Redefining Prayer through Jesus finished work!

When I discovered what Jesus perfected and completed for us on the Cross, I then began to question everything I’d been taught on prayer. This series has been a 5 year journey in the making of redefining what prayer is through the lens of the New Covenant and Jesus finished work. If you are ready to unlearn all the traditions and doctrines of men and would like to know how to see God’s power released in your life then this series is for you!

Listed below are the titles and description of every Audio message in this series. Each message is also available as individual downloads. This Prayer Series is also available on USB.

Lesson 1 – Redefining the Lord’s Prayer

Discover the simplicity of what Jesus taught on prayer and how he has fulfilled “The Lord’s Prayer” for us!

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Lesson 2 – Redefining God’s Sovereignty and Prayer!

Many believe that when you pray God has 1 of 3 answers 1) Yes, 2) No or 3) Wait. But is this consistent with what Scripture says about God’s Nature and Jesus finished work? In this message you will discover what God’s Sovereignty is and the power He’s given us and how that relates to our prayer life.

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Lesson 3 – Redefining The Prayer of Faith! 

Does Prayer really move God if Jesus has already finished His work? Discover what the prayer of faith is and how that can outwork in our life.

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Lesson 4 – Prayer and Jesus finished work

Discovering what Jesus has already freely provided for you will transform your prayer life! You will then know you no longer need to beg, pray, fast or ask God for the very things He’s already given to you but rather partake in your inheritance!

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Lesson 5 – What does Pray without Ceasing mean?

If Jesus has already answered every prayer through the finished work of the Cross then why do we need to pray without ceasing? Also what about all the Scriptures that seem to contradict this teaching? In this message we reveal the context and simple meanings behind some of these misunderstood Scriptures on prayer.

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Lesson 6 –  Begging God? (Persistent Prayer)

Do we need to keep persisting in prayer and begging God before we see answers? Shaun reveals the point Jesus was making when he shared His Parables on the Persistent Widow and the Persistent Friend.

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Lesson 7 – You have not because you asked not?

Discover the context, meaning and New Covenant definition on what James shared on prayer in…

  • James 5:15 the prayer of faith will make the sick person well
  • James 5:16a confess your sins to one another so that you can be healed
  • James 5:16b the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
  • James 4 you have not because you’ve asked not

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Lesson 8 – In Jesus Name, Amen!

Most of us conclude our prayers with “In Jesus name, Amen!”. In this message you discover how this is not a magical method or formula to sealing our prayers but reveal the authority we have as a believers!

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Lesson 9 – How to Pray for yourself and Others

Discover how to pray for yourself and for others in light of what we have revealed on New Covenant prayer and the finished work of Jesus.

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Lesson 10 – Redefining Unanswered Prayer

We’ve saved the best til last. We define unanswered prayer and share how you can see God’s power released in your life!

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Transforming Your Prayer Life – CLICK HERE to download this NEW Series!

Also available on USB CLICK HERE to order!


Jesus: The Gift that keeps on Giving!

In this message you will discover what you have already been given through your relationship with Jesus. I pray that this simple message will bring fresh revelation and will help you to understand what is already in your hands through Jesus finished work!

Click Here to download the Audio MP3!


When Disaster Strikes…

Typhoons, earthquakes, Tsunami’s, fires, floods or terrorist attacks are NOT the works of God!

The recent disasters that have been occurring around the world have led to much talk, and many blog posts and Facebook status’ attributing these disasters to having been God’s handiwork. It always saddens me when disaster strikes that people start declaring God’s judgment upon that country or situation because of what happened. All too often many innocent lives are lost and property is destroyed, even amongst believers (blood, bought New Covenant children of God). I know that God doesn’t need anyone to defend Him so I am not posting on this from that viewpoint but instead from a passion to teach on the Goodness of God and on the amazing New Covenant we have through the finished work of Jesus!

If you are interested in discovering more about the true nature of our Loving Heavenly Father Click Here to read my blog post When Disaster Strikes on my personal blog Hannah’s Victory!

P.S. If you are not convinced that God is Good then watch my YouTube video: Jesus: The Answer for suffering.

Diogo Healed from Asthma with confirmation of Medical Report | JesusandHisGrace


Emanuel Writes…

My beloveds Friends, This is strong and powerful!!  But this post was shared before the last appointment with the doctor, in the end of this testimony im sharing already after the medical report 10 July 2013…

To read the Full testimony click on the Link Below….

Testimony of my Son Diogo Healed from Asthma with the confirmation of Medical Report | JesusandHisGrace.

The Seven Spirits of God

When we hit a situation in life, we need wisdom and understanding on what is happening at that time.  Usually we get stuck at this point so we get stuck in the flesh to make the breakthrough happen by praying, fasting, declaring the Word, or by petitioning God etc But if we want supernatural results it doesn’t come by our own natural understanding or power but by the Spirit of God.
In this insightful message you will discover how the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Salvation to us today so that you can then know how to come into agreement with what He is doing to see His power released in your life.
This Message is available as an Audio Download. For more information Click Here