Diogo Healed from Asthma with confirmation of Medical Report | JesusandHisGrace


Emanuel Writes…

My beloveds Friends, This is strong and powerful!!  But this post was shared before the last appointment with the doctor, in the end of this testimony im sharing already after the medical report 10 July 2013…

To read the Full testimony click on the Link Below….

Testimony of my Son Diogo Healed from Asthma with the confirmation of Medical Report | JesusandHisGrace.

The Seven Spirits of God

When we hit a situation in life, we need wisdom and understanding on what is happening at that time.  Usually we get stuck at this point so we get stuck in the flesh to make the breakthrough happen by praying, fasting, declaring the Word, or by petitioning God etc But if we want supernatural results it doesn’t come by our own natural understanding or power but by the Spirit of God.
In this insightful message you will discover how the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Salvation to us today so that you can then know how to come into agreement with what He is doing to see His power released in your life.
This Message is available as an Audio Download. For more information Click Here